1. Responsible party for the content:

BlueRidge Management AG
Industriering 14
9491 Ruggell
Tel. +423 264 24 80
Fax +423 264 24 90

Reg. Nr. FL-0002.532.675-8
MwSt Nr. 59 875
Steuer Nr. 2532675

2. Design and development:

Vincent Rheinberger

3. Photos

Header Fotos
Luis Salazar, Charlie Hammond, Mark de Jong 

Portrait Fotos

Robin Verling



4. Copyright

Der gesamte Inhalt der Webseite blueridge.li, (nachfolgend «Webseite») ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die Urheberrechte kommen dabei der BlueRidge Management AG oder Dritten zu. Die Elemente auf der Webseite sind nur für Browsingzwecke frei zugänglich. Jede Art der Verbreitung, Vervielfältigung, Bearbeitung und Verwertung des gegenständlichen Materials (auch Teile daraus) ausserhalb der Grenzen des Urheberrechts bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung des jeweiligen Urhebers. Die Verbreitung und Vervielfältigung des gegenständlichen Materials (auch Teile daraus) in gedruckter oder elektronischer Form innerhalb der Grenzen des Urheberrechts sind nur mit ausdrücklicher namentlicher Nennung des Urhebers gestattet.

The downloading or copying of content, images or other files does not entail the transfer of any rights whatsoever relating to the content. The names and logos used are registered and consequently protected brands, and for this reason there is no entitlement to use the images, names or logos. BlueRidge Management Inc. reserves all rights to the entire content of the Website – with the exception of third-party rights.

5. Limitation of liability for own content:

Although BlueRidge Management Inc. compiled the published information with the greatest care, it and its contracting partners cannot provide any guarantee for the topicality, comprehensiveness and accuracy of the information contained in the Website at the time of publication (not in respect of third parties either). Liability claims brought against BlueRidge Management Inc. on the grounds of damage of a material or immaterial nature arising out of the accessing or utilisation or non-utilisation of the published information, abuse of the link or technical disruptions, as well as direct and indirect consequential damage, are excluded.

As a contractual relationship exists between a user of the Website and BlueRidge Management Inc., BlueRidge Management Inc. shall be liable only for damage caused through gross negligence or willful intent. BlueRidge Management Inc. excludes any possible liability for damage caused by an auxiliary person.

6. Limitation of liability for external links:

The Website may contain external links (links to third-party websites) that under certain circumstances, if activated, may leave the Website or may display extracts from third-party websites within the framework of the Website. BlueRidge Managment AG and its contracting partners provide no warranty for the topicality, comprehensiveness and accuracy of the content of the linked websites. The respective information provider of the linked website is responsible for the content and accuracy of the information. 

Any possible responsibility for such websites is rejected.

BlueRidge Management AG, Industriering 14, PO Box 35 , 9491 Ruggell, Liechtenstein is responsible in terms of the GDPR.